Minerals and Rocks By: Anna, Sarah, and Sumer


     Soil contains particles of weathered rock and the remains of living things.  Soil is formed when rocks are broken down by weathering.  Climate is also very important when determining soil formation.  Humid tropical climates have thick soil that develops rapidly.  This soil is called laterites.  Rain may wash away topsoil so it is thin, but because of of the dense vegetation, organic material is quickly replaced.Desert climates and artic climates have thin soil that consists mostly  regolith.     

1) Parent rock: rock from which the soil is formed
2 )Bedrock: layer of rock underneath the soil
3) Humus: a darck colored material that is formed by decaying organic material
4) Decay: the breaking down of dead plants or animals into substances they are made of
5) Pore Spaces:air and water fills the spaces between soil particles
6) Horizens: seperate soil layers
7) Soil profile: cross section of the soil horizons
8) Mature Soil: soil that has developed three layers
9) Immatue Soil: soil that contains two layers and has formed more recently than mature soil