Minerals and Rocks By: Anna, Sarah, and Sumer

About Our Website

Our website is an educational site about minerals around the world. It explains all kinds of properties about minerals and substances found organically and inorganically. This site will help school students in the future figure out how minerals and rocks form and how they function, among other things. This tells how to identify minerals, the simplest elements, and other matter made by the Earth. This is a good way to get help for school projects, or just to look at when they are curious, because they need help at school. It is being made by three 14  year old girls who can see from the point of view by other students who may have trouble with minerals in Science or Geology. We were told to do this as a class project, and we're working together to put information in this website that we think will be very helpful to other students who are having trouble. That is the good thing about seeing from a young person's point of view. Well I've been droning on and on about the same thing so let me just say this once more; this website is only to help school students do better in their classwork or projects for school. This is going to be out in a way that anybody can understand so this website is simple and helpful.