Minerals and Rocks By: Anna, Sarah, and Sumer


Igneous rocks for example are made of minerals from inside volcanoes. Igneous (which is the Latin word for "fire") forms when lava or molten rock flows from the opening of a volcano and cools off, turning into a smooth rock like substance, with many gas pockets that can be seen. These former gas pockets were filled with gases while the liquid was cooling and made tiny bubbles. This is the definition for rock. Rock- In geology, rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals. Rocks are everywhere. They have been on the earth over four billion years.  The rock you see might have once been part of a magnificent mountain or spectacular cave. It could have even been stomped by a dinosaur. Rocks are a fascinating way to discover information about the history of the earth. All rock (except for meteorites!) that is on Earth today is made of the same stuff as the rocks that dinosaurs and other ancient life forms walked, crawled or swam over. While the stuff that rocks are made from stays the same, the rocks do not. Over millions of years, rocks are recycled into other rocks. Rocks are everywhere. They have been on the earth over four billion years. They play a large part in the ecosystem, and nature.
